Our Reef for Schools project has been opening some doors with the wonderful team at Winterslow C of E Primary School, near Salisbury. In conjunction with past pupils’ family, the school funded a new tank to engage the pupils (and staff) with the exotic world of our oceans. The installation of the tank as a teaching aid, across the whole curriculum, has meant engagement with all ages at the school and has kick started their drive towards understanding Climate Change in a more hands on manner.

Reef for Schools has also been pivotal in starting the school’s creation for a Sustainability Plan, which will eventually encompass many more areas of the school’s activities.

Rebecca Bone, Head Teacher of Winterslow CofE Primary School, says

“Thank you so much for your recent support visit. The children are really enjoying learning all about the importance of coral and are really surprised at how quick ours is growing. They do love the fish although are more impressed by the coral growth (and the shrimp!). We have a group of children who measure the coral and another group who are in charge of tracking the temperature. During a recent hot spell the children were concerned the temperature was above the green zone on the thermometer. This started a fascinating conversation regarding how the coral is still alive when the barrier reef is being killed by raising sea temperatures. The children noted the fish (Chips and Fish) seemed happy and not worried about the rising temperature. They are now looking for signs of coral bleaching.. fingers crossed this doesn’t happy. We talked about ways to lower the temperature in the room.

Our children have also commented how peaceful the coral makes them feel. We have invested in a webcam. Once set up children will zoom into our tank once a week and use it as a mindfulness activity and inspiration for reflection and prayer (as a Church School).”

The children noted the fish (Chips and Fish) seemed happy and not worried about the rising temperature.

For more information

on any aspect of our Reef for Schools program